Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Surgery Again

Surgery Scheduled for Thursday

After considerable thought and consultation, Michele will be having brain surgery again. The objective is to remove as much of the cancer and brain scar tissue as possible. There are two objectives. One, of course, is to have fewer cancer cells to treat with chemotherapy. The second is to enable clearer MRI’s since the scar tissue appears very similar to cancer in a MRI. In the June MRI it was difficult to see what was scar tissue and what was cancer. The radiation appeared to have caused quite a bit of damage.

Michele will check into the hospital Wednesday afternoon for a series of tests. The surgery will be conducted Thursday morning, 23 July. We expect her to be in the intensive care unit from Thursday afternoon until some time Friday, when she will return to a standard recovery room. We expect her to be sedated and basically asleep through Saturday at noon. If things go well, she could be home Tuesday.

Michele has asked that friends send cards and notes rather than flowers. In March, we actually ran out of room to put all the flowers. She has received many cards and notes from friends and former students that have been very thoughtful and lifted her spirits. She cherishes them. Our home address is 4105 Cat Mountain Dr, Austin TX 78731 3727.

She will be operating email through her new I-phone, so long responses will be impossible. We will not be sending out very many emails either, but will try to add posts to the blog frequently.


Peggy Fikac said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you daily--

Stephani Smolucha said...

Michele and Robert,

I am thinking of you always and wishing you the very best of luck with this surgery! I have been reading your blog often and this sounds like the right option for you. I hope the recovery is a smooth process... I have so much faith that this time will be more successful. You can definitely expect a letter soon!
