Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trip to M D Anderson Friday

A Fresh Start

We went to MD Anderson in Houston on Friday for a second opinion.

Dr Monica E Loghin, the oncologist, thinks that the proposed surgery next week is too risky because she believes that the cancer has penetrated the middle cerebral artery and suggests that we enroll in a Phase I experimental study at MDA that uses Delta-24 adenovirus. The study began in December 2008 and has had three participants. The Delta-24 virus has helped two of the three.

(For you medics, see MDACC Study Summary ID01-310, )

We discussed Dr Loghin's concerns with our surgeon, Kit Fox, by telephone. He believes that he can perform the surgery in relative safety and does not believe that the cancer has breached the middle cerebral artery. We will meet with Dr Fox Monday afternoon.

Our current thinking is that we will stick with the standard treatment, approved by the FDA, and
1. Have a radiologist closely review the artery/cancer relationship.
2. Have the surgery on Thursday, 23 July in Austin.
3. Begin the standard Avastin + CPT 11 chemotherapy in August, also in Austin.

We are optimistic that the surgeon will remove as much cancer as possible without affecting Michele's speech or disturbing major blood vessels. After several disappointments, we are hoping that this new surgery will lay the groundwork for a new and effective chemotherapy.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and good wishes.


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