Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Very Joyful Christmas

Christmas Day

Michele had perhaps her best day in a month, aided by having good friends over for a semi-traditional British Christmas dinner prepared by Mae.

Geese are not common in Austin, so we had duck, which I suppose is kind of like a little goose, but not as greasy.

Mae began her work on the Christmas "pud," shown in the photo, days in advance. Her pudding was delicious, even for those who are not used to the Brit's style of cooking.

Mae came to Cat Mountain Christmas morning, took command of the kitchen, and spent all day preparing the dinner. She did a wonderful job and made Michele very happy--perhaps the best Christmas present ever.


Virginia Floyd said...

Looking good! I hope she ate the whole thing!

Anonymous said...

Pretty photo!

Catherine Rainwater said...

I didn't mean to be "Anonymous."

Karin said...

Much love to you both, and I am so happy to hear Michele had a lovely Christmas Day. Hugs, Karin and Mark, Kelly and Franny in Berkeley