The First Day
11pm Saturday 04 December 2010
True to form, Michele spent most of her first full day at home sleeping.
Her physical abilities are improving. In the short time she was awake, she walked (with help) to several rooms and sat in the dining room and kitchen. That may not sound like much, but remember that Michele was flat on her back for two weeks in ICU and could not even roll over without help.
She still has all of the same mental problems (disorientation, speaking, word selection, intermediate memory) evident before and at the hospital.
Our 24 hours a day helper staff has been fantastic. We could not have come home without them. I do not think that I have ever encountered a more helpful group of people.
Yea, Michele and Robert!
I'm glad to hear Michele is home and doing okay. You have so many people sending healing thoughts and positive vibes your way, Michele and Robert!
Much love always,
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