Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some Progress

The Tube

10pm Saturday 27 November 2010

The meds continued to be reduced today. Michele was able to stay awake for several minutes at a time this morning and slept most of the afternoon. She is able to say a few words, most often a loud "No!" She doesn't seem to be enjoying her stay in ICU.

She was somehow able to pull out her feeding tube and throw it on the floor. Apparently she did not like it is my guess. The nurse was hesitant to go through the trouble of reinserting it through her nose down to her stomach and decided to have Michele tested to see if direct feeding by mouth was possible.

A therapist from rehab came in to test Michele with many of her most disliked foods: graham crackers, oatmeal, apple sauce, and chocolate milk. When she initially expressed limited interest in the menu, she was given the choice of the menu or the tube--an easy choice. She passed the test.

Tonight she enjoyed what the hospital chef calls solid food--runny mashed potatoes and triple ground beef. Yummy! We will see what he comes up with tomorrow morning.


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