A State of Mind. 07 Sep 09
In brief, not very well lately. The past six months have been hard on us.
The current chemotherapy (Avastin and CPT-11) is having a much greater impact on Michele than the earlier treatments. The drugs for the side effects, added to the “power port” surgery last week ( 26 August ) have made Michele very tired and run down for the past two weeks. Mobility, memory and talking presented challenges this week. We expect that she will get better. She did not have chemotherapy last week, but will begin it again Thursday.
Michele’s normal routine is to be in bed by 9pm each evening and to get up sometime after 9am. She also tries to nap every afternoon from 2pm to 5pm.
Two out of three Thursdays are pretty much spent at the doctor’s office receiving infusions (IV ). We have medical appointments on the “resting” Thursdays for blood work and a in depth medical review. We also normally have a one hour appointment every Wednesday. That does not leave much time to get many other things accomplished.
Probably the best time to phone Michele is between 10am and noon any day except Thursday. An hour after wakeup because you will want to make sure that she has had time to get at least one cup of coffee. Cell phone or landline will work.
E-mails are always good--just do not expect a reply.
Michele finds cards delightful.
For you “Lunch Ladies” she occasionally does have lunch out, but having lunch at home generally works better.
For any social activity, we recommend that you send the details by e-mail, including your phone number. Phoning ahead to find out if Michele is up to the activity is prudent. She has had to cancel most of her appointments for the past few days.
For Cat Mountain visitors, about thirty minutes to an hour is Michele’s endurance limit.
Former students and staff should contact James Armstrong for a fall event being planned.
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