As many of you already know, Michele was diagnosed with a left temporal lobe brain tumor just last week. It was a sudden thing, and she's had no previous symptoms before last week's onset of severe headaches and some speech "confusion." Needless to say, all necessary scans, XRays, MRIs, etc were done and today, Monday, March 9th, Michele is having surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible.
Michele sends heartfelt thanks to everyone for the deluge of flowers, well-wishes, concern and love that she's received over this past week. There have been hundreds of emails, and phone calls and many, many visitors. Michele's family and close friends will be focused on caring for her in during the recovery period. It is a stressfull time for all. Since it will be impossible to return every phone call and every email, updates about her progress will continue to be posted please check back often.
The surgery started around noon and is expected to last three hours. She will be in the ICU overnight and the surgeons anticipate she can go to a regular floor tomorrow, and hopefully get home by the end of the week.
What Michele would LOVE from you..... Instead of emails, or more flowers (she has more than she can handle already!), please send her cards, photos, and notes by snail mail at her home: 4105 Cat Mountain Dr., Austin, TX. 78731
Please....we know it's hard, but ......the family requests that there be no more visitors at the hospital this week. Michele needs rest and quiet. Here family is around, and promise to reach out when they need help.
Thank you everyone for the love and concern! Check this site often!!
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